by Future of Organizing | Aug 15, 2024 | Article, Blog, Happening now
Två aktuella ämnen som diskuteras och skrivs om är svårigheterna i att hitta kompetens och ökande sjukskrivningar på grund av stressrelaterade sjukdomar. Det som saknas i debatten är att motivation är nyckeln till att lösa dessa utmaningar. Motivation är en motor och...
by Future of Organizing | Dec 5, 2023 | Blog, FoO Sweden, Happening now
How the journey started Sweden was or has been a pioneer regarding progressive ways to organize, lead, and collaborate. Looking at how organizations and corporations were working we saw that the Scandinavian management school, that inspired people around the globe,...
by Alicia | Jan 26, 2022 | Blog, FoO Sweden, Happening now
We are thrilled to announce that Alicia Medina will join the Jury of the Modern Work Award 2022! The Modern Work Award opens up new opportunities to showcase the work and the achievements of companies that are moving towards modern ways of working. The award focuses...