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New TealPodden episode on 25 May!

Teal Podden , Sweden

On May 25 TealPodden will release a new episode of their podcast. In this episode, we talked about how agile organizations can move forward with the help of Sociocracy and more new findings from the field. Do not miss this new episode with a good and insightful conversation. Don’t worry if you miss the episode […]

Teal, Self-organizing, and more at Teal Breakfast, Poland


Rolf is invited to speak at Teal Breakfast, Poland (Turkusowe Śniadania).  He will talk about Teal, self-organizing, leadership in the new era, how organizations can flourish from distributing power to the people in the organization. The basis will be the DP-model that can be found in the book Teal Trust Transparency. Some questions to be […]

The Swedish model of self-organizing


A two-hour online event organized by Basku Metodas. What does it take for organizations to open up to the future and people in them to thrive? Alicia and Rolf Medina, PhDs in management and well-known business consultants in Sweden, spent three years researching modern organizations and management models, interviewed more than 300 people, studied over […]

Frukostseminarium ”Förnyat ledarskap i en föränderlig värld”

Future of Organizing @ Davidshall Davidshall, Malmö

Future of Organizing och MY Workspaces inbjuder till ett frukostseminarium där du kommer att bli inspirerad, få ökad förståelse för hur du som VD, chef eller ledare kan agera i dagens och framtidens organisationer samt få insikter och tips om hur du kan starta din förflyttning. Anmäl dig på Eventbrite genom att följa denna länk. […]

Gothenburg book fair 2023

Svenska Mässan Göteborg Mässans Gata, Göteborg, Sweden

We will be at the Gothenburg book fair next September! You will find us at the stand of Kunskapshuset Förlag Hoi Publishing, our editors. Soon we will share more information and details but save the date for Bokmässan!! We hope to have the possibility to meet many of you there as this always encourages us […]

1er Congreso Internacional TEAL de habla hispana

Cuenca Cuenca, Spain

This event will be held in Spanish. This is the first edition of the TEAL International Congress. During this event,  Alicia Medina PhD will share different cases of the new organization paradigm, experiences, and research. Additionally, she will present the English version of the book "Teal. Trust. Transparency" written by her and Rolf Medina. This […]

Förnyat ledarskap i en föränderlig värld


Anmälan via LinkedIn-länken här. Ledarskapet i Sverige måste förnyas då det traditionella ledarskapet nu utmanas pga. snabba och stora förändringar. I dagens samhälle arbetar människor annorlunda än tidigare och ledarskapet bör ha fokus på att öka engagemanget för att på så sätt kunna öka effektivitet och lönsamhet. Arbetslivet är annorlunda, människor har andra preferenser, är […]

The Distributed Power Model: first steps


Join us for the Teal Breakfasts workshop with Dr Alicia Medina and Dr Rolf Medina, researchers and consultants. They recently published a book "Teal, Trust, Transparency" (2023) where they presented the Distributed Power Model. We will be discussing one of the chapters from the book and sharing our thoughts and ideas of how to make […]

Moving into the Future with Distributed Power


Alicia in a conversation with Matt Perez and Jose Leal (also co-authors of the book Radical Companies - Without Bosses or Employees) from Radical about how to move into the future with Distributed Power. A really thrilling episode that brings up many different perspectives on how to move into the future. Listen to the episode […]

Horizonte TEAL: Confianza y transparencia


Alicia is interviewed by Pancho Mora about Teal from a trust and transparency perspective. Follow the link to watch on Youtube The interview is in Spanish and below is Pancho's summary : Mi conversar tiene como invitada a Alicia. Su estilo de gestión se basa en principios de organizaciones TEAL. Su experiencia se fundamente en […]

Rolf in Singula’s Friday couch

@Singula in Stockholm Stockholm, Sweden

Rolf visited Singula's Friday couch with Amer Hadsvik and Daniell Thysell and talked about: Teal Trust Transparency Leadership & Culture from Responsibility to Ownership Competence & Learning Recruitment and more See the episode (in Swedish) by following this link.

Människan ❤️ Systemet = Framgång i nya eran


Vi kommer i detta samtal prata om hur man skapar framgångsrika företag och organisationer bortom makthierarkier och hur man med tillit till att de som gör jobbet närmast kunden också kan ta över ansvaret för besluten. Samtidigt berättar vi om hur människans emotionella och mentala intelligens kan samverka för att chefer och medarbetare ska känna […]