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Bokpresentation på Stadsbiblioteket i Lund

Lunds Stadsbibliotek Sankt Petri kyrkogata 6, Lund, Sweden

Lyssna på författarna Alicia och Rolf Medina om deras ny bok "Teal.Tillit.Transparens" på Stadsbiblioteket i Lund! Man får också möjlighet till att skaffa signerade böcker till rabatterad pris direkt på plats. Ingen föranmälan behövs men kom i tid. Välkomna!

“Tiden är NU!” #12 Company Culture

On web radio AV EGEN KRAFT

The theme of February episode (2/10) of “Tiden är NU!” is Company Culture. It will be discussed by Rolf and Alicia Medina together with Sebastian Thuné, CEO at "House of Test Consulting". Temat för februariavsnittet (2/10) av “Tiden är NU!” är organisationskultur. Det kommer att diskuteras av Rolf och Alicia Medina tillsammans med Sebastian Thuné, […]

“Tiden är NU!” #13 Social Responsibility and Sustainability

On web radio AV EGEN KRAFT

The theme of March episode (3/10) of “Tiden är NU!” is Social Responsibility and Sustainability. It will be discussed by Rolf and Alicia Medina together with Anna Elgh, CEO of Svenska Retursystem. Temat för marsavsnittet (3/10) av “Tiden är NU!” är Social ansvar och hållbarhet. Det kommer att diskuteras av Rolf och Alicia Medina tillsammans […]

“Tiden är NU!” #14 the “Regenerative Approach”

On web radio AV EGEN KRAFT

The upcoming episode of “Tiden är NU!” in April will focus on the Regenerative Approach to manage organization and projects, which goes beyond sustainability and circularity. In a "circular approach" the aim is to have an outcome of zero, while in the "regenerative approach" the effort is towards having a positive-sum impact. As usual, the episode […]

FoO will talk at Agila Sverige conference

7A Odengatan 65, Stockholm

Future of Organizing is thrilled to announce our participation to the upcoming Agila Sverige conference in Stockholm on May 20th! Agila Sverige is a conference for everyone who is interested in agile methods and wants to learn more about how to make system development more efficient, more fun and more value-creating. The event is going […]

Alicia Medina deltar i “Passion for Projects” Congress 2022

Svenska Mässan Göteborg Mässans Gata, Göteborg, Sweden

Alicia Medina kommer att hålla tal på "Passion for Projects Congress 2022" av PMI Sweden, det största eventet för projektintresserade i Skandinavien. Årets tema är "Leda förändring i en förändrad värld". Datum: 23 - 24 Maj 2022 (Alicias tal sker under första dagen, på 23e Maj) Plats: Svenska Mässan Göteborg Varmt välkomna!

Alicia and Rolf Medina to guest at Sonder Podden

Sonder Podden , Sweden

Alicia and Rolf Medina will be guests at the Sonder Podden in September 2022. They will talk about their latest book "Teal. Tillit.Transparens", specifically on what concerns organizations and their capacity to move towards the new paradigm where self-organizing and distribution of power are the new normal. <<listen to the episode in Swedish by following […]

Alicia and Rolf Medina to talk on Tealpodden

Tealpodden , Sweden

Save the date on June 7th, Alicia and Rolf Medina are about to guests at Tealpodden! <<Listen to the episode in Swedish -- Lyssna på avsnittet här >> It's a great chance to listen them talk extensively about their research work (which lately has been collected and published as a book, "Teal.Tillit.Transparens"),  their knowledge about […]

Alicia and Rolf at Bokmässan 2022 in Gothenburg


Future of Organizing is going to have a promotion stand during Göteborg’s Bokmässan between 22-25 September 2022, for the selling of Alicia and Rolf Medina‘s latest book “Teal. Tillit. Transparens” and for meeting and discussing their research topics with all the fair participants and guests! The team is overwhelmingly excited for this mighty chance to attend such […]

Sociocratic Agile: How to Marry Sociocracy and Scrum

Rolf Medina will participate during the Annual Global Sociocracy Conference 2023 with the presentation "Sociocratic Agile: How to Marry Sociocracy and Scrum".  In this session, we will discuss how sociocracy can be used as a governance model for Scrum and vice versa; how Scrum can be used within an organization based on Sociocracy. Scrum is […]

New podcast episode!


In this episode, Alicia Medina is a guest on the program Av egen kraft. She talks about Teal and about the new English edition of the book "Teal. Trust. Transparency". Join us to learn more about how some organizations are changing towards a more progressive and human-centered way of organizing.

New podcast episode with Khraft- Om Teal. Tillit. Transparens.


This is an exciting podcast episode hosted by Jenny Bergh from Khraft. We had an amazing conversation with her and discuss the book "Teal. Trust. Transparency".  We also talked about why leaders should use collective intelligence more, why members of management teams should invest in a spiritual journey, and about how they want to move […]